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Independent Travel Training Programme

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Programme Content

The programme contains three units broken down into 13 bite-sized activities.

The first two units are based on awareness of road safety and travel related issues, and it is not until the third unit that an individual begins to undertake 'actual' independent travel.

Picture of bus at a bus stop

Unit 1 Awareness for Pedestrians

  • Recognise the purpose and use of pavements and roads.
  • Recognise the purpose and use of driveways and entrances.
  • Be aware of vehicles and traffic.
  • Recognise and use roads without a pavement area.

Unit 2 Safe Travel

  • Be aware of traffic lights and pedestrian crossings.
  • Be aware of how to cross the road safely.
  • Know how to ask for directions.
  • Be aware of how to use public transport.
  • Be aware of how to use public and mobile telephones.
  • Recogise the need for appropriate clothing when outside.

Unit 3 Travel Independently

  • Know how to plan a specified route.
  • Travel a route safely and independently.

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Programme Materials

The entire 'Independent Travel and Road Safety' programme is supplied on a CD-ROM, which contains all the necessary materials to deliver the training. This user friendly CD-ROM comprehensively illustrates course information, accreditation details and instructions on how to effectively use the resources.

Travel Training CD-Rom Loading Screen

The programme combines both theory and practical sessions. The theory sessions feature a varied approach to programme delivery and are based around a highly pictorial 'Student Workbook'. This theory is further enhanced by the use of onscreen computer animations and sound effects, which are designed to stimulate interest and aid the learning process. The use of animations within a classroom setting, where appropriate, facilitates learning of relatively complex skills in a safe environment.

Progression and pace

The programme is designed to minimise risk, and therefore individuals are not asked to progress to activities beyond their capabilities. There are no time limits on achievement, allowing end users to work through the programme at their own pace.

Each of the three units is accredited individually to ensure recognition for students of each standard they have reached.

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Training for Trainers Programme

Organisations wishing to deliver this programme to their clients will typically designate a member (or members) of staff to be responsible for training clients in the programme. The programme is designed to be delivered at a ratio of one trainer to three students or on a one-to-one basis.

Training for Trainers Logo

Designated trainers receive full training in how to deliver the programme. This training programme is called the 'Training for Trainers (TOT) Programme' and it can be delivered at a location chosen by participating organisations.

As part of the TOT Programme, each participant will be supplied with CD-ROM resources, detailed training in how to use the resources and how to adhere to the quality assurance system, enabling them to competently deliver the training to end users.

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The first two units of the Independent Travel Training programme are accredited at entry level by the National Open College Network, with the third unit being accredited at Level 1. Each of the units within the programme can be accredited individually, therefore every individual, regardless of ability, should be able to achieve something from the programme.

National Open College Network Logo

The 'Training for Trainers (TOT)' programme that accompanies the 'Independent Travel Training' programme is also accredited by the Open College Network at a Level 2. This provides organisations with the opportunity to gain accreditation for their staff, who will subsequently have the capacity to deliver the the 'Independent Travel Training Programme ' to learning disabled clients.

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