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Introduction |
Learning Resources We have been providing training to learning disabled clients since 1995 and have, on occasions, found it hard to find suitable training materials to match our clients' learning styles, skills and literacy levels. In response to this, we have often developed our own materials. Over the years we have developed a strong competence in designing training materials for this target audience. These training materials and programmes are now available for other organisations to purchase. We also develop bespoke training resources for other agencies and organisations, one of which is the Northern Ireland Housing Executive who commissioned a training resource for use by staff and tenants of the Homefirst Trust Sheltered Accommodation Schemes. The Independent Travel Training Programme grew from a need which New Horizons identified among its trainees: the need to travel independently. The programme has now been delivered to hundreds of trainees through a network of accredited trainers throughout Northern Ireland and the UK. Read more about these resources by visiting the Travel Training link to the left or by clicking the logo below. You can also download and print the latest newsheet (in PDF format) which gives you up-to-date information about the this training programme. In order to do this, you will need to have installed adobe reader software. Further resources for this target audience are now in development, focusing specifically on work and vocational skills. These resources are being developed and disseminated as part of our "Workability" project, which is a three year project that began in March 2004. Read more about these resources by visiting the Workability link on the left or by clicking the logo below. |
Travel Training | |||||||||||||||
Workability | |||||||||||||||