Work Compentencies
Skills for Work - Skills for Life
New Horizons Partnership delivers ongoing training programmes that address the competencies and skills that people need for work. By work competencies, we mean skills that are necessary in order to be able to carry out a job, any job. These are generic competencies that are necessary in the world of work and are common to all workplaces and types of work.
Often these are the very skills that may need to be developed by individuals with a learning disability so that they can function and participate in a meaningful way in their place of employment. Training in work competencies is intended to complement the client's participation on either a supported employment placement or in one of our social enterprises.
The work competencies taught include:
- Being able to travel independently to and from your place of work
- Personal management skills, including hygiene, health, presentation & budgeting
- Knowing and being able to exhibit appropriate work behaviour
- Being assertive and knowing your rights
- Communicating with your bosses and fellow workers
- Knowing current health and safety issues and practices
- Knowing about the world of work, how to make career choices, find jobs and prepare for interviews
Resource Development
In addition to delivering training to our own client group, for some programmes we also develop and disseminate the resources that we use when we deliver that training. Consequently, resource development constitutes one of our core areas of business.
For more details on how you can access these learning resources for your clients, visit our Learning Resources section.